Under Surveillance

About A Girl

Once upon a time, I was in a video store with my then boyfriend trying to pick out a movie to watch. I picked up John Carpenter's Vampires, and proceeded to tell the boy about the coolest scene in the movie, where a guy uses his hot-from-being-fired gun to cauterize a wound he received. Said boyfriend looks at me, shakes his head, and says, "You're not like other girls, Betty."

Name::Braindead Betty
From::Indy, Indiana, United States

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And That's A Power?

Friday, March 23, 2007

One of my coworkers and I were having a conversation about patchouli yesterday. Personally, I can't stand the stuff. It always makes me think of Skunkor, the pariah of the toybox.

Skunkor was one of the characters from He-Man and Masters of the Universe. As you could probably guess from his name, Skunkor's abilities were of the olfactory variety. Anyway, the action figure for Skunkor was marketed to include his stink ability. And it reeked of patchouli! The really horrible thing about it was that if you put him in your toybox, it made all your other toys smell, too. I'm sure my parents were really happy about having bought him.

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